Monday, March 11, 2013

God resurrects a dream into a beautiful living vision!


(But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you- Matt 6:33)

It was at a conference during my Discipleship Training School (DTS YWAM), when Jessica Hover shared her testimony and the ministry “Beauty Arise”. I can recall when she mentioned;-“God takes me to backstage Fashion Shows to minister models and share His love”.  As I was praying in my mind closing my eyes, God speaks to me and said -“Introduce yourself to Jessica and share to her the vision I gave you”. My inner reaction was like, God is this really you?.. she is going to think I am crazy!!! Soon enough I took courage and did as I was told.


Let’s go 5 years back…. For those who don’t know, I have a huge passion for Fashion Industry, I love to dress-up, heels, make-up (glow lol) jewelry (long earrings- big rings fake ones lol),I love to dress other people, making them feel special and beautiful, I love, love make-overs! So, about five years ago I was accepted into Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise (FIDM), it was a miracle to me going to that school. I majored on Visual Communications; this major opens doors to different fields in this industry like interior design, wedding planner, wardrobe stylist, Fashion Show coordinator or director and many more. My desire was to be a Fashion Show Director. After two months of attending school I was hired at BCBG MaxAzeria as a wardrobe stylist. I loved my job, all type of women would walked in with the hope of us finding the perfect outfit from head to toe for their special occasion such as; weddings, engagement parties, bridal-showers, Grammy's, Oscar’s, interviews, promotions and many more. I truly enjoyed when clients would leave the boutique with conference and a huge smile ready for their event. It was fun and I knew this would take me to my goal.


After 3 years of working with this designer I came to a cross-road. At this time I was serving the Lord as the Youth Leader full-time and my job began to be a challenge to life. My boss wanted me to start dressing-up different (less conservative), I came to realized that if I wanted to grow within the industry I had to change my morals, I had to socialize going to parties to get to know people in the industry but most important it was going to affect my walk and relationship with the Lord. Thanks to the Holy Spirit who gave me conviction I didn’t fall to any of that. I stood firm on the truth, on the word because more than anything else in my life I wanted to please God and bring Him all the glory and honor by the way I live my life. So here it came the moment of truth, I had to decide if I wanted to keep moving up in this Industry or if I was going to do whatever it would take to live my life worth of my King, Jesus. After praying, and going back and ford I had the answer.. (in between I really felt like some-how I could make a difference working in this industry, I felt like somehow I could bring the gospel, - I mean once during our speech class at FIDM I talked about Jesus!) This was in my mind day and night because it was so hard to give up something I had dreamed of since I was so young and the promotion was right before my eyes.- Was it really worth it?!! I asked to myself many times, I knew God wouldn’t break my free will and He will wait for me to choose Him. I mention all this so ya’ll know it was not an easy decision. Finally after a couple of weeks of praying and reading the word, I made a commitment to God, a life-time commitment, I made my decision. I told the Lord “ I choose YOU GOD, I rather earn crowns and be useful for Your kingdom, even if only one person gets saved than earning recognition, money, popularity here in this world, I love You and I choose You. Take me, use me, mold me, I want to be your vessel and I want to pursue You and I desire to be the woman You have created me to be”!!!  I have to tell you, is the second best decision I have ever made in my life. I said second because the first one was giving my life to Christ. Anyhow I took an offer I had at the bank, not knowing if I was going to like it because literally was completely different from what I had studied and worked for but I was willing to do what I had to do. To be honest I was scare of the job, I was intimidated but of course God like always came to the rescue and less than the expected I loved my new job, especially the work hours, they were perfect for the ministry. I was truly blessed.


About a year and half ago, God placed the desire in my heart to build a website to minister women using FASHION!! To help women of all ages to find their Identity in Christ, to really know their value and to learn about the true beauty that is precious to the Lord. He gave me this scripture 1 Peter 3:4 “You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God”  WOW I was overwhelmed yet didn’t know how to get it done nor what to do with this TRUTH. Days after the perfect quote came to mind, which I wrote that day, I knew it was God, “A beautiful face and a gorgeous attitude are the best accessories of a woman and a pure and sincere heart is her greatest outfit". – Than I knew God was going to do something GREAT, when and how??! No idea…


Last year around this time actually, March 2012 I made another decision that changed my life for the best, it was a very hard decision. God was leading me out of North Los Angeles, the church I served the Lord for 4 years and gave so much and grew so much. I loved the people, the youth but I knew God was leading me to something else. I was scared but I had the assurance that was God’s voice calling me to San Diego and I wanted to be obedient, so I packed, arranged everything and moved, it was bitter-sweet. I didn’t want to say good bye to wonderful people I loved but at the same time I was excited to follow God’s voice and see what He had next. Two months later I was praying to the Lord to show me what was next, that I knew there was a specific reason why He had brought me here, and yeah soon enough I met with a wonderful missionary woman of God, who I had met 5 years ago through an outreach week, Bonni Wilson!! Not knowing the surprise the Lord had for me =D!! Bonni introduced me to YWAM. If you have read my other blogs, ya know how I got there!!


On one of the YWAM conference is where I met Jessica Hover. The Holy Spirit guided me to introduce myself to her and share the vision God had given me over a year ago. I was frozen and little scare but I didn’t want to miss out just because of what I was feeling, I knew that if God was directing me to talk to her, was because He had something great in mind, and He sure had =)))!!! I was nervous, excited and more nervous lol.. so here Lizbeth is introducing herself and sharing the vision God gave her about true beauty hahaha I really thought in my mind “Jessica might think I am little kuku (crazy)” but to my surprise she didn't think that at all, in fact she invited me to the Fashion Week Los Angeles Outreach on March!!! And said that was so glad I spoke to her and that it was definitely God, to pursue what God had placed in my heart!! WOW didn't have words to describe how I felt that moment. God always knows best and wants best for us!! I am currently working on this project that later I will write a blog about it with more details.

la vibiana
(La Vibiana L.A, where the Fashion Show will take place <3)

Now here I am 5 months later, sitting on the air-mattress at the place where I will be staying for fashion week. I was warmly welcome by amazing Jessica and amazing people from the L.A YWAM base! I will be working Monday the 11th to Friday the 15th! I will write a blog of this week next weekend!!  Please keep us in your prayers, may the Lord use us in a mighty way to bring His love and word. Many get intimidated to introduce the gospel to high-end people, but we have chosen to be brave and love them and just with our testimony and love earn this industry for Christ!
Just to finish, this is a good time to share with ya’ll, that I will be a full-time missionary starting September. DTS was just the beginning and I had no idea of where God was going to take me next =D!! Just let God lead your life and He will take you to places you wouldn't imagine.

Lizbeth <3

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