Monday, May 5, 2014


Is not when you feel YOU are ready, is when HE KNOWS IT'S TIME!!!
“I’d like to be a Fashion Show Coordinator or director, to share who JESUS is and be a light to this industry walking out my faith”, this was one of my dream jobs about seven years ago and when I was attending Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandise (FIDM) this job was my goal. Oh boy!! Be careful with what you pray for or ask for because God might just answer in ways and in times you don’t expect!!

Let me share with you how this dream of mine came kinda true during FWLA ;)!!
We are on our last day and my friend Jessica says-“Lizbeth, I think today you are going to help assist with directing a runway show for one of the designers, yes?” –Me: Sure, I’d love that!!  My heart was beating nicely and was thinking of how awesome is to have this opportunity to ASSIST, this can help prepare if I do get to help direct a show in the FUTURE.

Let me go back a little, that day in the morning I was in a rush of excitement for all the Lord had done during the week. Each day God showed up and gave us so many opportunities to shine out His light and love to people and pray for them. The day before we had just helped with Betsey Johnson’s show, a huge incredible designer and NOW I was ready and curious to see what the Lord had in mind for our last day. So many times I found myself looking around, observing like if I was in slow motion, you know like in movies… thinking of how awesome and GREAT God is that HE is the only one who makes this happen. But never the less knew what God’s master plan was for this week.


Now let’s forward to our last day of FWLA. FRIENDS get READY for what’s coming!!!

As the dressers were getting ready  with their assigned model for rehearsal, my friend and I went to call the show director who was going to lead the rehearsal, to our surprise he was BUSY, I MEAN BUSY with another designer who had a little bit of a HUGE problem. AYAYAY!! So the director nicely tells us, “you two can run the rehearsal I trust you girls, you can do this!!” Now my heart was beating a little faster, WHAT?! Hmm my mind began to speak like this- BUT how, I never done this in my life, I am scared ay no no no, what if things go wrong, I feel my back getting so tensed – than my friend says; well we should take it as a compliment coming from this guy, saying that he TRUSTS US, now that’s big!  I smiled saying; so true!-Ha I didn’t believe that in my mind because honestly didn’t think I could do this, was not ready, was not feeling ready!! So I just prayed and got courage to do it., thinking this was a great opportunity rely on God more. Rehearsal went Okay, I was still hoping the director would come and lead the “real deal show”, the actual runway show!
BE CAREFUL with what you pray or ask God for!!

Few hours later find myself gathering all the dressers, encouraging them and giving them directions of how the show was going to look like or what to do. Oh MY, my heart was beating faster every minute asking God to help us run the show in a way that represents Him well and glorifies Him. Now, 30 minutes before the show starts; line-up the models, making sure they all have their first look, make-up, and hair and YES we are directing the show now (here I am desperate for GOD). Now 5 Minutes before the show starts, OH my goodness my heart feels like is coming out ha ha ha, then I looked at my friend who was directing with me and smiled, kinda laughing. I looked up and smile at God, peace and joy took over my heart, than I knew God had all planned out and recognized more His faithfulness and goodness, how much He cares for the desires of our heart and how He delights in making our dreams come true for His glory!!! Now only two minutes before the show starts, all the models looked so beautiful and the first model who was the main model was nervous and worried that she was not going to do her part on time, so asked her if I could pray that God would help her do everything on perfect timing, she accepted and gave me a hugged. Now show time, the lights go off and the stage lights go on the music starts and the first model goes out to do her thing on the runway.. WOO*HOO ON TIME every part, I can only see her huge smile after she comes back to backstage.  The show goes great and we have a very happy designer hugging my friend and me. The designer and her team thanked us and looked super excited and happy. Oh my how did I forget to mention that my friend lead a prayer for the show with designer before the show. YESSS God got all the glory! I was one happy girl.

Friends, this is not about me at all. It’s all about God and who He is. He is faithful, He is perfect timing, He cares about our deepest desires!! He knew it was time, even if I was not feeling ready or was not ready. It was time because He was going to glorify Himself through this. Yes I was not ready or prepared for this but He lead my voice with words, He lead my feet and hands to do things well, He showered me with His peace and joy to enjoy and take courage to help direct the show!!

Seek God, not for what He can give you but for who He is because friends yes it was awesome to see one of my dreams come true but it was more awesome to see how real and present God is at all times and when He opens doors He gives all we need to go in!!


 Be blessed with a Beautiful day <3!!


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Beauty in different ways

Beauty comes in many different ways, these girls that you will see in the following pictures are beautiful girls from all over the world who set apart 5 months to seek God in a deeper lever and find who truly they are in Christ and ultimately to make Him know to others around the world!!! 

Beautiful Inside OUT




(Director of Music and Mission DTS)



Thursday, March 6, 2014

Beautiful PEACE!!!!

ub-logo2-640x475-2.jpg"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in YOU, whose thoughts are fixed on YOU!" -Isaiah 26:3

To fix your thoughts on God means to think about Him often, if possible all day. How will this give us peace? When we remember that God is control, we won't despair over the turn of world events. When we remember God is all-powerful, we will know that He can handle any problem we may encounter. When we remember God is all-knowing, we won't worry about the future. When we remember God is all-loving, we will live confidently, knowing that He wants only what is best for us. Whenever you feel uneasy or afraid, focus your thoughts on God!! Its not what we think, feel or want its what The TRUTH says!

Here are the looks for the week ;)
Meet Maria, from California <3!!
Meet Penny, from Canada <3

Meet Lani, from Australia <3



These three beautiful women are from different cities, different countries but something so strong brings them together as sisters and that's their passion and love for JESUS CHRIST and the 3 of them walk in knowing who they are in Christ <3!!!.

(Photographers: Josh Brown and Natalie Brown)
(Wardrobe stylist: Lizbeth Espinoza)
                       Much love
Lizbeth <3

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Unfading Beauty Part II


God has encouraged me to use the passion and skills I have for fashion by bringing encouragement and speaking truth over people’s life and by helping them find their true IDENTITY in Christ.  God is so not against Fashion or dressing-up, He is the Designer of designers and He is the most creative “being”… I mean look outside, look at the sky, He created all that beauty. He is the one who placed creativity in us, we are made in His own image!! What God doesn't want is for us to find our IDENTITY in what we wear, how we look, how many degrees we have or don’t have (education), He desires for us to walk in TRUE IDENTITY that is found in JESUS CHRIST!

IMG_6924(My amazing helpers!!!)


Every week or so I’ll be posting a complete look (outfit from head to toe) with a small devotional next to it; it will be focused on giving ideas of how to put outfits together and at the same time share TRUTH, the Word of God, encouraging people to live a life that honors and glorifies God and to learn to see themselves through God’s eyes.

Had so much FUN putting these looks together <3




About two months ago we had our first photo-shoot with the participation of 18 students from our DTS’ school, two who are pros on photography and 17 of them who volunteer to be my models for the day. I arranged 24 different looks representing fall/spring and did hair and make-up, it was such a fun day, it such a blessing to do what I love and I am passionate about for the Kingdom of God!!! I am so excited to share with you all the great work!

IMG_3772The ladies painting their nails :)




Meet Josh and Natalie- such FUN and servant's heart people!! (Photographers)




Aren't they awesome!!
Here are some of the pictures, ENJOY!!!!
IMG_6893              Meet Juliette and Kara   <3   

Kara Sue is from Minnesota, U.S
Juliette is from England

These looks where for the HOLIDAYS... Ooops a little late lol
In two days I'll post the first look with  a devotional!!!!
Love. Lizbeth <3