Thursday, March 6, 2014

Beautiful PEACE!!!!

ub-logo2-640x475-2.jpg"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in YOU, whose thoughts are fixed on YOU!" -Isaiah 26:3

To fix your thoughts on God means to think about Him often, if possible all day. How will this give us peace? When we remember that God is control, we won't despair over the turn of world events. When we remember God is all-powerful, we will know that He can handle any problem we may encounter. When we remember God is all-knowing, we won't worry about the future. When we remember God is all-loving, we will live confidently, knowing that He wants only what is best for us. Whenever you feel uneasy or afraid, focus your thoughts on God!! Its not what we think, feel or want its what The TRUTH says!

Here are the looks for the week ;)
Meet Maria, from California <3!!
Meet Penny, from Canada <3

Meet Lani, from Australia <3



These three beautiful women are from different cities, different countries but something so strong brings them together as sisters and that's their passion and love for JESUS CHRIST and the 3 of them walk in knowing who they are in Christ <3!!!.

(Photographers: Josh Brown and Natalie Brown)
(Wardrobe stylist: Lizbeth Espinoza)
                       Much love
Lizbeth <3